Cook County Circuit Court

Blemishes and all, associate judges seek new terms

By Injustice Watch Staff

Cook County’s secret election: Balloting is under way for judges, and you can’t vote
Cook County's Circuit Judges are currently voting on which of the 138 associate judges should get new four year terms. Supporters say it is a system that is closest to merit selection. But other judges note they have little information on which to decide who if anyone should be denied a new term.

Despite reversals, controversies, associate judges try to keep their seats
Even Cook County's circuit judges question how much information they have as they decide which of the 138 associate judges should be approved, and which denied, new terms. Injustice Watch spent the past month reviewing the public record, and found a handful have their performance marred by reversals, criticism, and questionable conduct.

Production by Abigail Blachman | Reporting by Abigail Blachman, Alecia Richards, Alejandro Fernández Sanabria, Emily Hoerner, and John Seasly | Research by Abigail Bazin, Jacob Toner Gosselin, and Rachel Kim | Data analysis by Jacob Toner Gosselin